Yahoo! Chiebukuro
is a Q&A community where everyone answers their questions.
With everyone's help, we can solve small questions and problems that you can't solve alone.
📌 Have these
Let's post 📌
With the Chiebukuro app, you can post questions anonymously and attach images, so you can ask any questions or concerns you may have.
You can check answers and replies immediately with PUSH notifications.
・Love advice and relationship problems that you can't ask people close to you
・How to play games you are addicted to
・Anxiety about illness or injury
・Diet worries and tips
・Questions about your favorite artist or celebrity
・School homework questions
・Anxiety and worries about raising children
・Coordination of clothes to wear tomorrow
・Hidden spots on your trip
📌 You can use these functions 📌
・You can quickly find out the current Q&A topics! "Overall ranking"
・Popular Q&As will be delivered via PUSH notifications!
・Easily post questions and concerns! Check answers and replies immediately with PUSH.
- Customize the home screen to suit your interests
📌 Let's register these keywords on the home page 📌
With the Chiebukuro app, you can customize your home by registering keywords and categories that interest you.
You can check the latest Q&A anytime.
・Title of the game you are addicted to
・Favorite sport
・Name of your favorite artist or celebrity
・Titles of dramas and movies you are interested in